Bright Microlaser announces its new all-in-one microchip laser

Bright Microlaser has pushed its unique microchip laser technology further and recently launched the new all-in-one SB1 model. Thanks to its advanced optical, mechanical and electronic design, Bright Microlaser was able to merge the laser head and the laser driver concept into a single-unit, highlyintegrated and rugged laser package.

In a volume of approximately 100 cm3, Bright Microlaser fitted both the optical cavity and the driving and monitoring electronics while keeping the same outstanding laser output performances as they are in the dual-unit model.
The SB1 model is available in 28 standard models at different output wavelengths, spanning from 1064nm and 236.5nm, and it delivers pulse energy as high as 80uJ and pulse duration from few ns down to 350ps. Repetition rate can be factory-set from single shot to 100kHz.

All these models are interchangeable with identical package, electrical and software interface making them a flexible and versatile solution for system integrators who wants to explore new applications.

Cool features besides the optical performances, the compactness and the lightness are also the robustness and the high reliability which are very important for 24/7 applications and harsh environment making this microchip laser the ideal choice for many applications, such as portable LIBS, spectroscopy, UAV and aerospace LiDAR.

Bright Microlaser’s deep experience in laser technology allows the capability of customization of the standard models opening the door to the most demanding research applications and customers’ requirements.
For more technical information on the SB1 microchip lasers and for exploring other solutions suitable for your applications, please visit our website and write to

State-of-the-art miniature UV laser and new smart laser driver

Nowadays many applications, such as unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR, biophotonics instruments, automotive and handheld LIBS demand high performance solutions with reduced size, weight and power consumption (SWaP). This is exactly what Bright Microlaser is pursuing while launching a new laser package for UV microchip lasers (P4 package) and the new smart laser driver which is more user friendly than previous versions, yet still compatible with older models.

A major optical re-design of the UV models led to the innovative P4 package, the smallest pulsed UV laser on the market, featuring 2kW peak-power in 1ns pulses at 236, 266 and 355 nm. Excellent beam quality, spectral properties and long-term stability have been tested and proven in all application environments, from research labs to industrial, automotive and airborne.

The new laser driver is meant for smarter laser operation, offering OEM integrators a higher degree of monitoring and control capabilities of key laser parameters, real time feedback with a remote-control connection and new and improved GUI software.

Bright Microlaser’s activity is focused on continuous development, pursuing higher reliability, simplified usability, maintenance and service for its devices. This opens up more and more opportunities in new markets and emerging applications, making Bright Microlaser a leading manufacturer of microchip lasers.


